Questions for grub in Ubuntu

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 5167 Messed up GRUB after repartitioning and upgrading kernel 2007-04-17 23:59:39 UTC Tsvi Mostovicz Solved
Answered 4949 Dual Boot from second Hard Drive (Grub not in MBR) 2007-04-13 00:50:06 UTC TerryS Answered
Solved 4803 grub did not detect Windows Media installation (ubuntu 6.06.1); can't boot windows. 2007-04-08 19:14:29 UTC clem Solved
Answered 4437 Removed Ubuntu 6.06 but GRUB's There 2007-03-27 07:43:31 UTC yogeshchande Answered
Solved 4194 Win 2000 damages GRUB 2007-03-14 11:58:42 UTC Bill Raper Solved
Solved 4156 Where should I install GRUB? 2007-03-12 06:21:44 UTC Nate King Solved
Solved 4056 Removing Grub from a disk containing multiple volumes 2007-03-07 01:33:15 UTC iain_m Solved
Solved 3962 creating amending moving grub bootloader 2007-03-01 13:33:11 UTC jhcoles Solved
Solved 3762 error 15 in grub on second HD 2007-02-18 07:19:25 UTC rjacobsen Solved
Solved 3346 Installed Ubuntu 6.10 and GRUB to external- boot error /bin/sh can't access tty 2007-01-26 08:35:24 UTC sgtmattbaker Solved
Solved 3151 How do I take care of a boot problem when I have two OS on the same hard drive, XP and utunbu? 2007-01-12 16:01:39 UTC Desperate Pensioner Solved
Solved 2865 I installed ubuntu 6.10 but when I rebooted I got a error 17 from grub 2006-12-20 06:16:21 UTC KirbyLD Solved
Solved 1798 Unable to mount root filesystem 2006-09-15 15:42:11 UTC Art Solved
Solved 1288 grub loading problem 2006-07-25 17:41:05 UTC wildbill46 Solved
Answered 749 GRUB Error 22 2006-04-16 04:29:44 UTC rsvasan72 Answered
Solved 270 Uninstall GRUB 2006-01-11 19:53:25 UTC bosse Solved
501516 of 516 results

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