Questions for Openstep

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 185660 upgrade sbackup for ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04 2012-01-24 08:04:08 UTC Openstep sbackup Answered
Answered 185167 latest sbackup ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04 2012-01-19 08:04:40 UTC Openstep sbackup in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 167660 DD spends most of its time creating full backups 2011-08-11 14:04:57 UTC Scott Severance Déjà Dup Solved
Solved 145477 How to install the latest version? 2011-02-15 15:18:22 UTC PJO sbackup Solved
Solved 49072 Is there a plan for supporting uncompressed backups in the future? 2008-10-26 06:44:13 UTC Ben J Woodcroft sbackup Solved
15 of 5 results