Questions for bcbc

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 153202 Installing problems 2011-04-17 20:57:39 UTC Cole Michaud Wubi Solved
Solved 152848 installed Ubuntu 10.4 with my Windows XP, crashed my XP 2011-04-14 17:59:51 UTC M J Schwa Wubi Solved
Solved 151783 Trouble installing with CD 2011-04-05 19:52:09 UTC Ryan Domingue Wubi Solved
Solved 151371 Recovering grub loader 2011-04-02 06:20:10 UTC SaurabhNamdev Wubi Solved
Solved 150991 installing ubuntu 10.10 on vista 2011-03-30 03:48:20 UTC Aalawy Balala Wubi Solved
Solved 150717 Unable To Install Wubi 2011-03-28 01:22:59 UTC K Alexander Wubi Solved
Solved 150412 Adding space to Root 2011-03-25 13:42:40 UTC Pedro Cunha Wubi Solved
Solved 150320 i'm running ubuntu inside windows,when windows crashs will i be able to start ubuntu? 2011-03-24 19:14:36 UTC michael courtney Wubi Solved
Solved 150317 Ubuntu doesn't show up at the boot 2011-03-24 19:00:03 UTC Alex Shatberg ubiquity in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 148659 Installing Ubuntu- Stuck Mid Boot-up 2011-03-11 04:57:51 UTC Murphy Spence Wubi Solved
Solved 148330 how to resize root partition in sda2 2011-03-08 17:22:39 UTC sagar joshi Wubi Solved
Solved 147549 Wubi install error in Win7 2011-03-02 17:18:58 UTC JSnowMan100 Wubi Solved
Solved 147540 Unable to boot after update manager install updates, 2011-03-02 15:59:49 UTC Mike Clarke Wubi Solved
Solved 146715 i am unable to install ubuntu on my system! 2011-02-24 15:50:39 UTC Muhammad Umar Ibrahim Wubi Solved
Solved 146533 wubi downloading wrong version? 2011-02-23 10:02:54 UTC Gary Hadfield Wubi Solved
Solved 145900 Ubuntu won't boot after first reboot (wubi) 2011-02-18 17:13:04 UTC Sparkalisha Wubi Solved
Solved 145363 Install xp dual boot 2011-02-14 17:29:42 UTC DaveE Wubi Solved
Solved 145166 How do i copy the (virtual?) partitions using dd 2011-02-12 22:39:11 UTC linuxrules Wubi Solved
Solved 145119 recovery of ubuntu, installed inside XP 2011-02-12 16:18:56 UTC Jinse Wubi Solved
Solved 144787 i cannot auto-boot ubuntu because of wubi-10.10-rev197.log 2011-02-09 20:47:16 UTC Steve Lewis Wubi Solved
Solved 144524 Gooogle Earth 2011-02-08 01:56:15 UTC Shubham Wubi Solved
Solved 143116 Cannot install Ubuntu10.10 Desktop for my laptop along with WinXP 2011-01-27 23:49:24 UTC Jason Ma ubiquity in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 142134 how can I view file on my window vista c drive? 2011-01-20 01:52:06 UTC Eric nautilus in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 142022 boot screen is not coming to use ubuntu or windows xp on my lenovo s10 netbook. 2011-01-19 09:11:02 UTC himanshu gupta Wubi Solved
Solved 140719 'error: unknown command 'loadfont' 2011-01-09 02:38:50 UTC Alex Moisescu Wubi Solved
Solved 139880 I have installed ubuntu in windows xp and can see it in my programs 699mb, but is not appearing on boot menu at start up. how can i log in? 2011-01-02 01:48:54 UTC James Wafula Wubi Solved
Solved 139496 ubuntu installed inside windows 2010-12-29 14:29:56 UTC Ivan Retardovan Wubi Solved
Solved 139411 10.04 to 11.04, skipping 10.10? 2010-12-28 21:35:55 UTC Jason AD Wubi Solved
Solved 139067 Download failed because of permision problem 2010-12-26 03:11:45 UTC Devris Wijaya Wubi Solved
Solved 138988 Boot issues after recent updates 2010-12-24 23:57:31 UTC Vineet Kashyap Wubi Solved
Solved 138786 error : no such device 2010-12-22 22:34:18 UTC Ramaraj Ramasamy Wubi Solved
Solved 138738 Error During Installation Ubuntu 10.10 2010-12-22 15:09:05 UTC john_aziz57 Wubi Solved
Solved 138644 When installing linux my computer gives errors 2010-12-21 18:50:40 UTC mika k Wubi Solved
Solved 138079 Grub rescue> ( How to solve this issue ) 2010-12-17 07:03:09 UTC Alex Moisescu Wubi Solved
Solved 137889 Quick boot with Ubuntu/Xubuntu 2010-12-15 14:07:31 UTC Joshua Allen Ubuntu Solved
Solved 137563 Dual boot problem 2010-12-12 17:07:08 UTC hugh f Wubi Solved
Solved 137224 Upgraded From 10.4 to 10.10 now ubuntu wont start 2010-12-09 18:00:49 UTC eric hernandez Wubi Solved
Solved 136703 OS won't boot says no wubilder 2010-12-05 16:09:06 UTC gary White Wubi Solved
Solved 136025 I get an error during Ubuntu 10.10 installation within Windows using wubi 2010-11-30 07:58:31 UTC Neeraj Bhatt Wubi Solved
Solved 135988 dual boot:xp & ubuntu crash to grub rescue 2010-11-30 01:35:15 UTC GEORGE KLEIN Wubi Solved
Solved 135983 Update today -> Lucid26 ; Now no boot (only 'grub-rescue >') - HELP !!! 2010-11-30 00:19:32 UTC David R Halliday Wubi Solved
Solved 135755 Update Manager Installed Updates on 10.04.1 and Now System Will Not Reboot 2010-11-28 00:34:59 UTC Kenny Buraker Wubi Solved
Solved 135432 Gub Rescue, WIN7,XP,Ubuntu 2010-11-25 05:42:42 UTC Henri H Wubi Solved
Solved 131887 I installed Ubuntu using wubi on my Windows XP... 2010-10-30 21:40:35 UTC Proga Newton Wubi Solved
Solved 131616 Windows Boot manager doesn't come up when starting the windows. 2010-10-28 19:41:26 UTC Rasa Rin Wubi Solved
Solved 131554 Ubuntu doesn't boot after upgrade to 10.10 2010-10-28 12:15:43 UTC M.J.O Wubi Solved
Solved 129602 Problem installing over windows with wubi.exe 2010-10-15 12:02:29 UTC Attila Horváth Wubi Solved
Solved 126350 Swap partition doesn't mount after partition resize 2010-09-22 00:07:15 UTC Mauricio A util-linux in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 124637 What is the default password for su(super user)? 2010-09-08 16:32:24 UTC Amit Kumar Sinha kdebase in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 124633 How to instal ubuntu 10.04 amd64-1.iso using wubi? 2010-09-08 16:09:08 UTC dishantbt05 Wubi Solved
51100 of 103 results